Hourly Rates Print

Bartender & Waiter

$45/hr Standard rate

$50/hr same day order for service or Major Governmental and Faith Holidays

$35/hr high volume caterers

Captain  & BBQ Griller

$55/hr standard rate

$65/hr same day order for service or Major Governmental and Faith Holidays.

Private & Corporate Chef

$80/hr standard rate

$100/hr same day order for service or Major Governmental and Faith Holidays.

Bikini staff

$90/hr standard rate

$120/hr same day order for service or Major Governmental and Faith Holidays.

*Please note all hourly rates are per person hired.

*5 hour minimum applies to all entities and rate types.

лучшие интернет магазины одежды
Attire Choices: 1. Black & Whites with either bow tie or neck tie (white dress shirt with black dress pants 2. All Black with no tie. 3. Full Tuxedo (add $3 to above prices; excluding high volume cater waiter orders).4.Casual.

Transportation fee: Travel outside metropolitan areas are billed round-trip using current train or bus schedule to determine round-trip time.

Cancellation Policy: $50.00 per person ordered.  Please order only when you are sure your event is a go, because there is no allowable grace period for cancellations.


  מיקמק התחילו לשחק
טופס 101 לשנת 2018 להדפסה